Saturday, April 26, 2003

Assault on Posterity

Here is my first post. I guess I should clear something up about my username, aciddave. This is not gonna be a page about recreational drugs. I've never used drugs and, having seen Requiem for a Dream, probably won't be trying them for the forseeable future. No, aciddave was my thirtieth attempt to get a username that hadn't already been snagged by some claim-jumping no-nothing. Here are my favourite names that were taken:

1.Dope Fish - paying tribute to the important influence that computer games had on my adolescent development. Dope Fish was the Easter egg from most of id Sofware's games. He would turn up when you found a secret in one of their games, like Doom and Quake. He seems to be undergoing a resurgence thanks to his appearance in Max Payne, brandishing two pistols and chomping on a cigar.
2.Dave - my name, hence my attachment to it.
3. Space Ranger - I love Toy Story and I tend to use this phrase to describe people who don't spend all of their time in our atmosphere. I'm thinking of my old boss, who was also called Dave, coincidentally. He always seemed stoned but probably never has been.

On with my pointless story. So I was trying to think of a name that was even vaguely original. Then I thought back to previous attempts at online authorship. About five years ago myself and two good friends tried to make our own game site. Being painfully shy bookish types, we adopted anonymous monickers to prevent our secret project from being traced back to us. I think the one I cose at the time was barney, a reference to the unfortunate security guards that populated Half-Life. Whcih is another video game. You might as well get used to that. But to be honest my friend Brendan had a much better one. Brendan is what you might call a rather cynical bastard. In our small group we took to referring to him as 'Bitter Old Brendan'. This was eventually reduced to the acronym, BOB, for brevity. He insisted that BOB was too ordinary and that the full name should be citric BOB, to reflect just how bitter he was. Which may have been inspired by the classic Simpson's episode, 'Lemon of Troy'. Better get used to that as well., I guess. Like a pancake thrown at the wall, the name stuck, for a while. So my name aciddave is a tribute to that old, forgotten nickname and that best forotten website.

As for the name of the Blog, 'Where is my Mind?', well it means three things:

1. It's obviously an old Pixies song, representing my love of alternative guitar rock groups.
2. It's also the song that plays over the end of 'Fight Club', whcih is porbably my favourite film. It has everything I love in a film - black humour, violence, social commentary and subtly homerotic fist fights.
3. Finally it's a pretty accurate description of what is bugging me at the moment. Who am I? Where am I going? Mother, what will I be? And other existential worries. I'm a philosophy student so what do you expect?

Please note, I hate reading over stuff that I ahve written so you'll have to put up with all the spelling rerrors, bad grammar and poorly-thought out metaphors.

And that is all you're getting for now. Whoever you are.