Monday, May 26, 2003

So it's been a few days since my last post. Stuff has happened. Such as:

1) Saw the Matrix Reloaded. Was disappointed.
2) Avoided studying for my last exam over the weekend. Paid the price.
3) Read back over the email I received from ed of paper. Noticed that when previous editor forwarded it to new editor removed the line “Is it okay to love journalism and hate journalists?” Damn stinking journalist.
4) Have written first draft of writing samples. That’s right, plural. Got a little ambitious. Will stick them up tomorrow if they meet standards.
5) As treat for finishing exams bought myself a hardback edition of the Punisher run written by Grant Ennis and pencilled by Steve Dillon. They’re the same guys who did Preacher. Is it wrong to be secretly pleased that Ennis is Irish? Does that make me a nationalist?
6) Looking forward to weekend. Party at Naomi’s. Too bad it’s a going away party. She is off to America to seek her fortune. I am a sad panda.
7) Realised that this journal isn't really private and that certain thoughts which I have cannot be recorded here. Means I have to keep filling in my paper journal for ideas that are too weird for public consumption. If you're really that interested mail me and I'll tell you what I think of the Special Olympics. Just for an example.

That is all, filthy internet folk.