Thursday, May 29, 2003

Today was a good day. Had lunch with an old friend. My oldest friend, come to think of it. I have a habit of dropping acquaintances when I don't see them in a while. I think it comes from living in the back arse of nowhere. Anyway my friend and I are both into writing and we even published a few zines a couple of years back. It was strange. He was saying how he wants to write but he can't really work up the enthusiasm. I feel the same way. Although this blog has helped me to get back into the habit of writing for the sake of it. We tossed a few ideas around about using blogger to host a sort of online zine. There are many advantages to this over publishing a magazine. Something might come out of this. Watch this space.

Job interview tomorrow. I really want this job. It would set me up for the summer. Had a haircut today. It was getting out of control and I want to exude a neat young man vibe to my prospective employers, rather than hairy good for nothing arts student. Although that is a lot more accurate.