Monday, June 06, 2005

Music TV gives me an ulcer

I was watching MTV today. It was Faith Evans’ Top 5 videos. Now I have no idea who Faith Evans is, but I was wondering what she meant when she said that Michael Jackson’s Thriller was one of the “greatest videos of all time.” Think about that sentence for a second. Thriller is one of the greatest videos. Of all time. I’m not against Jacko here, I just wish he had died fifteen years ago, it’s nothing personal but every day that he goes on living is an affront to music fans everywhere, but how can Ms Evans claim that Thriller is arguably the greatest music video ever? Music videos have been around for maybe twenty five years. The greatest video in 25 years. Big deal. Can we try and gain some perspective here people? Who cares? Music videos are just a 3 minute ad for sugar pop songs. Who gives a shit? Is it any surprise that the same people championing the music video are the ones who invented it? MTV have done an amazing job of creating this mythology about the music video. Think of the hysteria when Michael Jackson launched his Black and White video. Think of the madness unleashed every time MTV has one of their many, many awards shows. The Music Video Awards. The Movie awards. European Music Awards. Asian Music Awards. All diverse, all equally vapid, another shallow excuse to parade MTV’s stable of perfectly-groomed, eerily shiny-toothed popstar teenagers.

I would love to finish off this rant but the sun is shining, the barbecue is heating up and my hammock is calling to me.