Sunday, April 27, 2003

Mutant Quiz

Stop Press. Just took the ol' Mutant Quiz over at The Spark and it turns out that I am 44% Mutant. I always knew I was different. But don't take my word for it, listen to the experts,

"Mutant Wannabe! Well, we've got good news and bad news. The good news is that you've definitely got some latent mutant powers. The bad news is that if you didn't have experts like us on the case, you'd never even know it. Your mutant potential needs to be developed, coaxed out like the last drop of toothpaste from the very bottom of the tube. Keep doing your thing, and one day that mutant ability just might show itself. If not, might we suggest attending a fine institution like the Xavier School for Gifted Students. We hear their biology department is excellent."

I was rooting around behind my steroe and I found my old Nine Inch Nails album, The Fragile. I listened to it regularly when I was in secondary school but had kinda forgotten about it. I put it on for a listen and I was surprised to see that it still held up pretty well. It could have been the worst kind of pre-adolescent, introspective, self-important garbage ever committed to compact disc but it's actually intimate, exapnsive and genuinely different. Kudos to the child that I once was.

I wonder if Trent Reznor is still banging around?

It seems he is, although he doesn't have an official site. And his fans are really weird. Bet they like black a lot.

Just took that stupid test again and I got 97%. I have this unstoppable urge to nail tests. What do I win?

" Mutant! Who's a mutant? You are! And we're not talking just any, run-of-the-mill mutant. You're a mutant to the Nth degree! So now comes the tough part. You need to use those mutant powers for good, not evil. If the world needs saving, you need to be the one doing it, cause if not you, who? So strap on that suave, leather costume, find yourself a sleek jet of some sort, and get moving, because you, my friend, have work to do!"