Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Should probably mention Kieron Gillen at some point. So here goes. Kieron is the closest thing I have to a role model. He is a (Christ adjectives sorta fail you at this point. Let's start with a history lesson). I like videogames. I have a PC. Hence I read a mag called PcGamer. Have been reading it for the last six years or so. It's one of the few personality driven mags out there. How much you like the guys who write it sorta affects how much you enjoy reading it. In other magazines you''ll read the contents page and read the feature or review that you're most interested in. With PcGamer you jump to the section where your favourite writer hangs out. Kieron started writing for the magazine about four years ago. He grabbed my attention immediately. Mainly because in his picture he looked ridiculouly girly. He had curly hair. What could I do? Te first game he reviewed was Thief, which set the tone for his tenure. He always championed the weirdest games. Weird but really fucking good, y'know? And the review he wrote was always searingly accurate and stupidly interesting. I swear, when he was on form sparks came off the pages. And he cared as well. The computer industry has broken into the mainstream and like any other mainstream it's loaded with corruption and filth. Kieron's face was right in this sewer. And he wanted to change it. I guess it got to him after a while. Anyway he is a genuinely nice guy. He was always talking about comics. Obscure ones, natch. One day I picked up Transmetropolitan, by Warren Spector, after Kieron had mentioned it in print for maybe the tenth time. So I sent him a personal e-mail.

And he fucking replied. Recommended a bunch of other comics I should try. Good ones. This is not the act of an uncaring hack.

This is getting out of hand. Anyway recently it has become clear from his writing that Kieron is bored with working on Britain's Best-Selling Games Magazine. Sure enough he's just quit to be a freelance games journalist and wannabee comic writer. I admire his courage. I also admire his comic writing. Because it's really good. Okay let's get to the point in one sentence. Kieron Gillen is my sorta role-model beacuse he is pretentious, intelligent, funny, passionate deep and a thoroughly nice guy.

And before you suggest it, no, I don't want to fuck him.

Great now I have the urge to email him. I just feel the need to invade his space for a moment.

Incidentally I have the urge to write something. I was watching The Thing this morning and I realised that it was totally ripping off Alien. The autopsy scene. The paranoia. The alien. Gore effects. Human incubation for said alien. And I thought, fuck me, I can rip off alien as well. So I'm gonna give it a shot. If it goes well I may post the result up here. Though I am worried about somebody ripping off my idea.