Saturday, May 03, 2003

I know I haven’t updated in a few days, but I have my reasons. Firstly, I did string a few sentences together the other night but good old Blogger crashed before it posted. Secondly, the damn Snooker Championship is still on am I’m hooked. Mainly because my man, Ken Doherty, is through to the final. He clawed his way back from 15-9 down, to win 17-16 in the end. He’s a real down and dirty scrapper, doesn’t know when to quit.

Also I was thumbing through my video game collection, looking for something to get stuck into. Installed and removed about half a dozen games before slapping ol’ Half-Life in. Seemed like a good time to revisit it, what with details of the sequel finally starting to trickle out. I’m not exaggerating when I say that this game was one of my all time faves. It really moved the goalposts for games in general. Before it came out everyone was arguing about whether Quake 2 was better than Unreal. Then HL came along and silenced us all by being so much better than both that it wasn’t even funny. I remember a friend telling me that HL might be pretty good, but it couldn’t be as endlessly replayable as his beloved Goldeneye. I pointed out that I had played HL through on Hard about ten times, allowing 15-20 hours each. And I’m not the kind of guy to play a game though for kicks. I usually get bored after the first go. Anyway I loaded up a new game – and would you believe it? – it’s fantastic. Not in that nostalgic way, like when I think about how great Doom was back then but knowing deep down that it would suck nowadays. It was genuinely great to play again. It made me realise how little the industry has learnt from the lessons it taught. The only thing that dates the game is the graphics engine. It’s the old Quake engine, I think. There’s probably a life lesson to learn here. Damned if I know what though.

Okay if you’re not into games that was probably quite boring for you. I hope you just skipped ahead to this paragraph. If not, tough, I can’t be bothered with people who will just read anything on the internet.

I was seriously considering taking that entry prior to this one out. I read it back and it has a real stalker vibe going on. But it is a reasonable representation of what I was thinking at the time so, in the spirit of honesty that this log strives for, I’m leaving it in. Plus I know I’m not a stalker. I tend to give up on girls way too easy. But don’t get me started on that.

Warren Ellis was just going on about some sort of online book here and I do have a lot of time on my hands. Sounds interesting. Here’s what it says on the front page “This online novel contains strong language and explicit violence.
If you are under 21 years old, or easily offended, please leave.” I like the promise of foul language and ultra violence along with the politeness thing. And I’m only 20! Shhhhh.
Nearly forgot. Cool thing happened. Went out to a fancy restaurant for dinner with my whole family. Which never happens. Seriously. It could be a decade since we last did this. It was Chinese so the food was all plonked on plates and we were all trying each other’s food. It was sorta cosy and intimate and relaxed. Felt good. Like a real family. We were celebrating Dad’s birthday. Go dad!
Right let’s put you up.