Friday, June 06, 2003

Coping with Loss, and a poem.

There are five stages to go through when you have suffered a loss, Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. I have done them all now. I accept that my wallet is lost. As part of the grieving process, I have written a poem. If you look at my entry for 3/6, you will see that this makes me a hypocrite. Anyway, on with the poem.

Wallet, or Ode to a Lost Companion

Just like Grandma.

You held my change in your handy pockets
and my notes in an attractive little nook.
But more than that
You held the contents of my Life.

When I find the person who stole you
I will rip their face off.
And make them eat it
They choke.

I'm not one to toot my own horn, but that is the greatest poem ever committed to the web.

Did I mention I'm a hypocrite?