Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Four days off work in a row. I'm treating it like a short break, doing only the things I enjoy. Plenty of reading, cooking and sleeping. Also had an idea for a story. If I write it I have an idea of a site that might publish it. I have the time and the inclination, this might happen. Which reminds me, the editor of the college rag hasn't mailed me back yet. I hope she got my message. She might be busy with other stuff. They can hardly deign to be picky, can they?

Off to see Audioslave live tomorrow night. Not sure what to expect, but I hope they play some old Soundgarden stuff. Also for music, go here.

Oh yeah, my film magazine of choice has gone mad and given the Matrix 2 a ridiculous five stars. They'll be getting an angry letter, if I can overcome my sheer bone-laziness.

I just thought of something. How will Naomi cook in America, thousands of miles from her big ass kitchen? Answers on a postcard please.