Monday, June 09, 2003

Finally, something new to bitch about

Much as I love my sister, and I do, there are times when I wonder if she has learnt anything from her 23 years on this planet. Case in point, due to a remarkable run of circumstances I found myself stranded after work for an hour.
Where was my phone? It was in the glove pocket of the car.
Ah, so where was the car? It was in the possession of my sister, who had come to work to take the car home after I had driven to work because she needed it.
So what time did you ask her to pick you up? Around 945, because it’s a little tough to predict. I knew it would be somewhere between 930 and 10, an I didn't want to have to wait too long. The irony of this I didn't get until later. But I would definitely be ready by 10.
So what time did you get off? Around 930. Chatted to co-workers for a while. Last of them left around 940.
So you figured…? Right, she’ll be here in 10 minutes. Everything is cool.
She didn’t show? Nope. But I figured, hey she’ll be here by 10, right? That’s when I told her I would definitely be off. We’re okay.
When did you give up on her? Around 1020 I realised that she wasn’t coming. I had to go into a pub, look pathetic and ask if I could borrow some change to use the payphone-
‘Cos some punk stole your wallet, right? You got it.
So…? So I call home and I find out that she’s on the way. I don’t have time to find out the reason for her tardiness. I figured it would be a doozy. Like the house had been hit by a localised EMP ray and all the clocks had been frozen to the same time. Or halfway down the road all the wheels had fallen off the car. Or maybe the house had burned down. I was expecting at least some permanent scarring and preferably a few deaths.
So what did she say? “I just forgot.”
Hang on, she just forgot? Yup. “I was watching tv and chatting and…I…just…forgot.”
That’s seriously lame. Tell me about it. And it just sucked all the rage out of me. What can you say to something that flat? How could you forget me? There’s nothing you can say. So I just had to let it go.